
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Why Housework is good for working Moms !

Working Moms usually take up or are assigned the desk jobs .These jobs are mentally grueling and leave us exhausted by the end of the day. Back at home we get a feeling of lying on the couch or sleeping in order to relieve the mental tension. 

But that does us no good. Agreed, that you had worked hard at office but you did not do any physical work. While your mind needs a break your body does not. By sleeping or lying on the couch and watching TV you are only accumulating more fat and are killing your precious time. There are other productive ways of relaxing your mind and diverting it from office woes. Housework is one of them. Since housework does not actually involve resolving complex riddles and is mostly mechanical, it gives your mind rest and keeps your body in action. 

Washing utensils, dusting, cleaning, stacking clothes and similar activities would keep your mind off office politics for a while, keep you busy, make your home tidy and also help burn a few calories. Cooking is another great activity which can relax you because it is actually a very creative activity. You are actually creating a dish and it would give you a great sense of fulfillment. 

If you are not into housework (it does not relax you) and you can afford to keep staff to do it for you, then don't be hard on yourself. Take it it easy. There is no compulsion. In that case you may pick up another engaging hobby (preferably involving some physical activity) like gardening, dancing, adopting and taking care of your pet, going on walks etc. 

However, I believe that housework is still a good way out since it make you own the proceedings at home, saves some amount you would have kept aside for a maid, and gratifies your family. This is my personal opinion and is based on personal experience.
However, your situation may be different. You may be an architect or construction engineer doing strenuous site visits and inspections, or if you are a sculptor, curator, dancer or an event manager . In short, if in your are in a job which involves physical activity, it makes more sense to get back home, take a nap, read, write or paint so that your body and mind get the much deserved rest. 
But, if you have a desk job, you have no excuse for going back home and lying on the couch. Instead, activate yourself with some meaningful physical work. Physical activities and exercises release oxytocin, the feel-good hormone and would help you feel better. Whereas sitting idle would only clog your mind with unnecessary worries. 

And I am not talking about the working moms, even the fathers should do their bit of housework and ease their mind. Whether your wife is a homemaker or professional, the love, respect and appreciation you would receive for helping out in housework would make your day. You would set a good example for your son, be your daughter's hero and your wife's darling :) 
So my dear ladies and gentlemen buckle your seat-belt and indulge in housework post office and reap the benefits.

PS: Stay at home moms, don't limit yourself to housework. Develop a hobby and gives wings to your passion. Perhaps we will cover that in the next article.