
Monday, January 18, 2010

Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry, Stay Young

A young lady of sixteen could not help feel proud when she received a poem on her beauty from an admirer. Her father remarked at her vanity 'The beauty at sixteen is a gift from nature. Beauty at 65 is your own'.
The words make more sense to be now. The energy, the beauty and the vitality of youth is not hard earned. It’s natural and indiscriminate. You could put in long hours of consistent physical effort in youth. Your body could take it all without complaining. You had the burning desire to conquer the world and make your mark. No failures could deter you. The self -motivation was so strong. You had a very casual attitude towards your looks which were taken for granted. You believed that looks do not matter and its content which counts. You were a dreamer. Dreams, which were more powerful an influence than the harsh realities of the world.
As you grow older you recognize the limitations and imperfections of your body. You also recognize, approve of and resign to the far from perfect world you live in. Your unpleasant experiences make to wary of people and of life. You may lose faith in others, more so in yourselves. Maintaining yourself becomes a necessity in order to survive. This necessity of maintaining yourself pushes you to think about your youth. You lost something down the years. However, not everything can be lost.
The zeal, the passion, the ambitions of your youth should not die. The curiosity, the innocence, the faith should not be lost. The positive attitude, the absurd idealism, the irrationalism should be maintained and carefully nurtured, specially so, as you age. The healthy routine of getting up early, exercising, eating good should be incorporated. Take good care of yourself. Love yourself. Look good. Introspect and Reflect about yourselves. Worship daily, believe in goodness. Be in awe of nature and life. Connect with nature to release stress.
Take risks just like you did in your youth. Follow your heart. Do not let the worldly pragmatism kill your soul and your individuality. Take it easy. Slow down when you feel like. It’s a marathon not a sprint race. You need to conserve energy. Reuse and Recycle it.
Work passionately, Love passionately. Help others and be useful. Cheer others when they are down.
Aging can be difficult. It can be de-motivating and de-moralizing at times. But practice, discipline, faith and love can turn it into the most beautiful experience.
Wish us beauty and happiness in aging.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

And Cinderella said to the Prince "Do you love me because I am beautiful, or Am I beautiful because you love me ?"
Aren't the people you love, the most beautiful people in the world. They may not be so to the others.
Beauty is very subjective. We judge a person's beauty based on our own perceptions. Perceptions which may differ person to person. Perceptions which are built on our instincts, upbringing, culture , background and practical experiences. To me, short could be cute , To you it may be unattractive.
A person however physically unattractive may be most appealing to you after you get to know him. His nonchalance could intrigue you. His innocence could make a special place in your heart. You may find an unconventional personality very challenging and attractive, even though others may find him unacceptable. Each to his own. A person's personality which complements your own could make him or her attractive to you. Every person is special in his or her own unique way. There is beauty in everybody. Only if one have eyes to appreciate the beauty.
I remember having read a story about a cosmetic firm which floated a competition encouraging people to write about and send in a picture of the most beautiful lady they knew. One of the competition entries was brought to the notice of the CEO of the firm. It was by a boy of thirteen. The boy had written ' Delima is the most beautiful lady I have known. She lives just across the street. She waits for me every evening after my classes and bakes the most delicious cookies for me. She talks to me and motivates me when I am low. She listens to me when I wish to be understood. She has the most beautiful smile and the face of an angel. I would like to be married to a lady like her when I grow up.' Enclosed was a picture of a 80 year old lady seated comfortably in a cane chair. Her wrinkles, toothless smile and eyes beaming with content marked her face. The CEO remarked that he could not use the picture. It would show the world that the firm's products are not necessary to make a person beautiful.
It is, no doubt, the beauty in the eyes of the beholder which beautifies you and me more than any make up could.

I Wrote this article for a competitive entry at